New ‘Patient Triage’ system – FAQ

Why have you introduced this new system?

Our new appointment system, Patient Triage, will ensure that those who most need an appointment are able to get one. Our Online Consult system is quick, accessible, and easy to use, and it allows us to provide you with the best possible care. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing Capelfield Surgery.

How do I request an appointment using the new system?

Online requests for appointments can be submitted via the NHS App or our website. Please visit and click on ‘request an appointment’. Then click on ‘Request an appointment using an online form’. This will take you to our online form options. Please read the options carefully and select the most appropriate form for your problem. If you have any issues submitting an online form, our receptionists can assist in completing this.

Watch the video below for further step-by-step instructions. 

After you or our reception team complete the online form, this will be reviewed against a triage protocol. The more information you provide us with, the better we can ensure that you are triaged to the most appropriate pathway. You may receive a text back asking for more information or photographs; you may receive an allocated appointment time on the day, you may be sent a text with a link to self-book an appointment in the coming days or receive a phone call to book an appointment. If you have a preferred clinician, please let us know. While we strive to accommodate your request, we cannot guarantee it. This will ensure you see the most appropriate clinician first time around.

Who reviews my form?

All forms are reviewed by a doctor who is working alongside a member of the reception team.

How long before I hear anything?

We aim to respond to all forms within 2 working days. For patients that are triaged and need an urgent appointment we will respond the same working day.

What happens if I can’t complete the online forms?

We understand that a small number of patients may be unable to complete the online consultation form. If you are one of these patients, we ask that you call the practice and a receptionist will complete it for you.

Where can I get more support to improve my digital skills or get help to get a device?

If you would like to improve your digital skills or know someone who would benefit from support, you can use the link below to refer yourself to Tech Angels. Tech Angels - Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Upload Images With Your Request

If relevant, you can also upload an image with your request, or you will be sent a link to send us photographs. This will help our triage team to provide you with the highest quality advice and care.

Published on 8 December 2023